
Perguntinhas difíceis...

VIRGO [August 23–September 22]
There's a better than even chance that you're about to embark on a Summer of Love. To improve your odds even more, meditate on the following questions:
1) What qualities do you look for in a lover that you would benefit from developing more fully in yourself?
Paciência, calma, menos impulsivivdade, menos ansiedade, rir da própria desgraça, tantas, tantas outras...
2) What do you think are your two biggest delusions about the way love works?
O amor resolve tudo
Quem ama, perdoa
3) Is there anything you can do to make yourself more lovable?
Tem, sim...mas alguém podia me ajudar com essa pergunta...
4) Is there anything you can do to be more loving?
Paciência, calma, serenidade...menos agonia, menos egoísmo...a lista é grande...
5) Are you willing to deal with the fact that any intimate relationship worth pursuing will inevitably evoke the most negative aspects of both partners—and require both partners to heal their oldest wounds?
Sim, sim, sim! Vamos abrir a geladeira e jogar os restos fora para caber coisas novas e apetitosas!

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